Dr Young blogs about Botox and the things that doctors usually recommend after botox (Bellevue, WA)

Before botox, as I mentioned in a previous blog, you should always stay away from blood thinners 2 weeks before and after the procedure if you wanted to avoid bruising as much as possible.  We have a list of things / medications to avoid before and after botox that you can check out here. But other than that a recent number of consensus panel recommendations showed the preferences of plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and facial plastic surgeons:

100% agreed that you should not massage the area after botox, which I tell my patients as well.

78% said to contract your muscles to help activate the botox more. I tell my patients to contract their muscles as much as possible to help make the botox / dysport work. Doing this for 2 hours will help the uptake of the botox.

Only 30% said to limit your activity after botox. I suggest to all my patients to limit activity for the first 24 hours to avoid diffusion.

Only 29% said to avoid bending over after botox.  I tell my patients to avoid bending to prevent diffusion.

Only 20% mention to avoid heat after botox. I dont have a solid opinion on this as there is not enough information to say one way or another.

Only 13% of physicians mention avoiding flying after botox.  I don’t tell my patients to avoid flying.

Again, the maximal effect of botox is at 2 weeks and for dysport it is a little less than a week.

I hope that you enjoyed this and thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

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