I have this bruise or hematoma collection in my eyelid under the crease area after asian double eyelid blepharoplasty. Is there some treatment for this or is this normal?

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

This is a response to a question that I answered for a person who had a procedure by another doctor:

The dark purple color is actually normal after asian blepharoplasty. That occurs because of the inflammation and that brings more blood flow to that area.  Also because that area is thinner than most areas on the body, it tends to show colors more that show through the skin more (because of the thin nature of skin in this area). This will get better with time.  This is not a hematoma.  I think the result that you have is excellent.  I have seen many more issues from other surgeons that are much more significantly adverse. Your result is par for the course!! I would obviously verify this with your particular surgeon to make sure that your actual physical exam is consistent with what I see in the pictures.  Ultimately, you need a surgeon to really see what is going on face to face!



Cheers!, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

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