Asian Eyelid Surgery through Incision or Partial Incision Techniques. Which is the better technique? by Philip Young MD of Bellevue | Seattle:

Asian Eyelid Surgery through Incision or Partial Incision Techniques. Which is the better technique? by Philip Young MD of Bellevue | Seattle: Incisional Asian Eyelid Surgery is more accurate and longer lasting than partial and no incision approaches.  The incisional approach allows the surgeon to see the structures that need to be adjusted to create the crease. This, in turn, allows the surgeon to directly work with these structures instead of doing it blind through partial and no incision techniques.  The incisional technique also allows the surgeon to expose the structures that need to be cleared of tissue to allow the crease to be more definitely formed.  Also with partial and no incision techniques, because of the blind approach, are more likely to have discontinuous creases, loss of the crease, and asymmetric results.

asian double eyelid before and after pictures

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Philip Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

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