The YoungVitalizer can be a substitute for many traditional procedures like a face lift, mid face lift / cheek lift, lip augmentation, eye lift, etc by Dr. Philip Young Seattle.

The YoungVitalizer can be a substitute for many traditional procedures like a face lift, mid face lift / cheek lift, lip augmentation, eye lift, etc by Dr. Philip Young Seattle. The YoungVitalizer can be a substitute for many traditional procedures like a face lift, mid face lift / cheek lift, lip augmentation, eye lift, etcWhy is that? Well a big part of the aging process is a volume loss and if you had a way to replace the volume in the face, doing so in special areas can make you look incredibly younger. It is our secret on how to do this. But there are ways to volumize the eyes, forehead, temple, lower eyes, cheeks and mouth area to substitute and replace face lifts, mid face lifts / cheek lifts, upper eyelifts, lower eyelifts, cheek implants, jaw implants, chin implants, brow lifts, temple lifts, etc with the YoungVitalizer.  That is why we call the YoungVitalizer, the Breakthrough Incision Less Face Lift. The idea of cutting away tissue is becoming an older idea. Cutting away changes the face.  The only situation that cutting away tissue can come into play is if your face changed dramatically since when you were younger.  Aging is like a grape changing into a raisin.  Traditional procedures tended to make that raisin into a smaller raisin. This action and process would make the raisin contorted. Because now you are trying to shape the raisin into a smaller volume. Some of the skin of the raisin will just not conform to the smaller volume you now have because you lost it from the transformation from a grape to a raisin. Replacing this volume will play a huge part in making the raisin back into the grape again.  See this introduction video to the YoungVitalizer.

Thanks for reading,

Dr Young

#plasticsurgery #facelift #plasticsurgeon #medispa #skincare

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