What is a one hour face lift?

One hour null / mini lifts / quick lifts /  will offer limited improvement and you should be aware of this prior to doing this type of procedure. If you are okay with this, it could be a great way to give you some more youth and avoid a much bigger procedure. You just have to be realistic. Significant results from a facelift takes time and an hour is just too little time to get all that needs to be done to get the specific improvement in the desired areas.

Talking it over with your doctor is the best thing to do and you should avoid factory-like offices. You might be disappointed. You want someone to take care of you and spend the extra time to assure that you get the best results — someone who cares about your future.

Consulting a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon would be something that I would recommend. We specialize in the face and are highly qualified to help you with this.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

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