The balance between the major units of the face dictate the ideal location of other objects on the face

My last blog set a foundation for further refinement of my theory.  Once I determined that the major units were the eye, nose and mouth and the most important objects that were within each unit were the iris, nasal tip and lower lip. I then discovered that other things began to fit together more clearly.  The more and more I looked at these relations, I began to elucidate many questions that have perplexed surgeons and theorists alike.  One of the questions regarded the ideal location of the arch of the eyebrow.  If you look at the major textbooks out there, the ideal location of the arch of the eyebrow is not exactly known.  Most theorists believe that the arch should be located at the same vertical location as the lateral canthus or lateral corner of the eye.  Some others say the lateral limbus or the lateral part of the iris.  All previous rules were dependent on external landmarks that really didn’t make sense for viewers of a face.  I didn’t explain why the arch was ideally located in one place or the other.  You see, many previous theories focused on external landmarks that did not play a prominent role in a person’s assessment of beauty.  Beauty has to be dependent on what we spend most of our time looking at.  The iris occupies the attention of the viewer of a face the most.  Then it is the nasal tip and the lower lip.  The importance of the nasal tip and iris create a relation with one another that dictates a strong influence on our perception of beauty.  Other elements of the face need to be in order, or in line, with this relationship.  When you look at the eyebrow and the highlights that it creates, you will see that the arch of the eyebrow is really an by product of something else that is important.  The highlight under the arch is really what is most important.  This highlight should line up with the iris and nasal tip in order for the highlight to be in order with this relationship that the iris and nasal tip creates.  With this in mind, take a look at the most beautiful people in the world and you will notice how these things line up: iris, nasal tip, and the lateral eyebrow highlight (the reflection of light under the arch of the eyebrow).  It is this relationship that secondarily determines where the arch of the eyebrow is most ideal.

This relationship of the iris and nasal tip also dictates where the cheek shadowing should markedly darken. See my paper for a diagram.  This cheek shadowing should continue posteriorly and superiorly to eventually dictate where the top of the ear is most ideally located. Up to this point, no one has been able to figure out where the ear should sit.  My theory, breaks down and elucidates just where that ear most ideally sits.

More to come….

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

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