Archive for the ‘Laser Resurfacing’ Category

lasers and fillers whether they can be done together?

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

There are studies out there that the use ofLaser Resurfacingand other Facial Fillers are safe. Although silicone injections are not prevalent in the US, this same principle applies. The lasers and Intense pulse light do not penetrate deep enough to effect the fillers including silicone fillers. Silicone fillers are also more resilient than other dermal fillers such as restylane, juvederm, etc.

Here is a live demonstration of my use of a co2 laser and laser resurfacing.

Consulting a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon would be something that I would recommend. We specialize in the face and are highly qualified to help you with this.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Best laser for Acne?

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

There are multiple ways to improve your scarring from Laser Resurfacing. You want the simple answer. Yes, there are a lot of lasers out there but most simply put lasers are used to take away the top layers of the skin to remove the scarring and then what happens is that your skin cells deep within your hair follicles grow out and “resurface” your face and skin. The newer fractional lasers essentially manipulate your skin deeper to cause skin tightening to help improve the wrinkles such as Fraxel and Deep FX.  Lasers are just part of the treatment. You want to either have a co2 or erbium laser. Co2 allows more aggressive treatment.

All of the other names are just company names for either the co2 or erbium. Just ask your doctor to tell you what laser it is and the most important is knowing the wavelength and the name that is associated with the wavelength. Sometimes it requires other procedures for certain type of scars. Some of your more depressed scars require surgical excision or subscision where you use a needle to elevate the depressed scars so that the depressed area is more level with the rest of the skin. At times, this entails cutting around the whole part of the depressed scars to allow it to elevate. Laser resurfacing after this helps with the healing.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

How do I choose the best laser treatment

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

There are a lot of different lasers out there. Essentially for Laser Resurfacing, there are two lasers out there: CO2 and Erbium.

CO2 allows you to be more aggressive and you can vary the degree of this to fit anyone. Lumenis and their Active FX/Deep FX is the best in my opinion and in the opinion of the most infleuntial people out there. This is a CO2 laser.

Erbium has some limitations in that it can’t go very deep and doesn’t cause tissue contraction like CO2 lasers can. All other lasers such as Fraxel and Fractional lasers work by causing manipulation to the deeper layers of the skin to cause skin tightening. There are just a lot of companies out there selling them with different names. You just have to ask them what technology they are using and if they are making it complicated then I would ask someone else. These lasers take more treatments and take more time and money but have less downtime based on company reports.

However, I’ve heard from other patients that Fraxel and other fractionated lasers can cause more downtime than what the “people” are telling everyone.

What’s the best? It depends on how significant your wrinkles are. The more significant, the more aggressive you might want to be. It also depends on your lifestyle. Does your lifestyle dictate that you can’t have any downtime, if so you should consider less aggressive means.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

How many laser treatments to see improvement in your skin?

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

Generally speaking, the more risk the more rewards when consideringLaser Resurfacing. Co2 lasers can be varied in a number of ways to increase or decrease the aggressiveness of the treatments. Fractional co2 laser resurfacing has less downtime but has less results. This approach leaves healthy skin in between treated skin so that the healthy skin can help the treated skin rejuvenate. This speeds up the healing and decreases the chance of complications. The results are less significant.

For more significant results, a more aggressive approach can take more layers of the skin and can go deeper to take away more significant wrinkles. The healing period is much longer and the chance of complications are more, but the potential for greater gains is more possible. These lasers improve the skin by decreasing wrinkles, removing superficial pigmentation, decreasing pores, and tightening the skin.

The more aggressive approach will need less number of treatments. The less aggressive approach with less results will need more treatments to get more results. With the most aggressive co2 resurfacing you may not need to get treated for another 8-10 years.  If you want to improve sun spot and red spots then IPL or other lasers can be used to improve them and typically it can take from 4-5 treatment to get satisfactory results.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Best treatment for under eye pores and wrinkles.

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

Generally, you can go up to 3 mm away from your eyelid margin to treat wrinkles around your eye with Laser Resurfacing.  In this case it will be beneficial to have eyeshields to protect your eyes.  When you get really close to the eyelid margin you will put your eyelashes at risk.  Even if the laser doesn’t hit it directly, you can have the plume singe the eyelashes.  There are some that think the eyelashes do not grow back as long.

My experience has been with Deep FX.  This can tighten up your skin but may need multiple treatments to get the results that you would like.  Traditional co2 lasers can tighten up your skin in one treatment but you will have a week or so downtime.

The other way to improve the wrinkles is to volumize the area. It can be done especially in the lower eyelid and upper cheek area to bring back the youth that you used to have.  Instead of cutting tissue away you add the volume that made you look young long ago.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

What to do for a raised burn scar on the forehead

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

If it is raised you could consider Laser Resurfacing but with dark skinned individuals the risk of complications is little more. I would excise your scar and close it possibly in a geometric fashion to break up a noticeable line and then consider resurfacing in less aggressive means. You can consider fractional resurfacing to decrease the complications. This can be done and with the surgeon he will hold your hand through the whole process and do his/ her best to make sure that you are happy.

Laser resurfacing, chemical peels, and dermabrasion all do essentially the same thing, they take off the top layers of the skin removing pigment, wrinkles, scars, tighten pores, and tighten skin.  The hair follicles are where the source of skin cells come from and these cells eventually resurface the skin and rejuvenate the skin.  When the scars are removed the cells from the hair follicle, deep within, resurfaces the scar with new skin making the scar appear better.  Sometimes certain scars need other techniques such as excision and reclosure and other subcision techniques to more fully improve the appearance of the scars.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

What is the difference between active and deep fx co2 laser resurfacing?

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

Laser Resurfacing can treat the more superficial elements of the skin like superficial wrinkles, pigmentation, and scars. Deep fx stimulates more of the deeper tissue to cause the skin to contract and shrink to increase the tone of the skin and create more collagen within the deeper layers. They can be done together for less downtime and more results.

With just Active FX, you will get more subtle resutls and less down time; when you add Deep FX, you get more tightening while keeping the down time less. Deep FX creates a strong laser that penetrates deeply while Active FX is more superficial with less penetration. Especially for people with darker skin, this modality is ideal!

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Laser skin resurfacing part of good skin care?

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

Laser Resurfacing are great for cosmetic and medical reasons. If you are interested in improving your wrinkles, pigmentation problems (like sun spots, etc), the size of your pores, your skin texture, etc laser resurfacing can be a great option. It can make a huge difference in your appearance for the better. These are things or areas of improvement that really only resurfacing can do in a significant way. Skin care with cosmeticeuticals can only minimally improve your skin. Some skin care lines at the doctor’s office can do a little more than the products that you get at the cosmetic counter.

You might not know this but resurfacing can also improve your skin by reducing the number of cells that are bad as well. So from a medical standpoint, it can be beneficial in reducing your chances of acquiring skin cancer. This is done when you remove your more superficial layers of skin through resurfacing and receive more refreshened cells from deeper within your hair follicles when these cells “resurface” the skin that has been removed. These newer cells typically have much less DNA damage and hence less bad mutations that lead to cancer and this has been proven in scientific studies.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Laser resurfacing, downtime, what kind of results with different settings

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

Laser Resurfacing can be done with as little downtime as you desire to the most downtime and most results. Very simply, more risks can lead to more results and vice versa. For more superficial results, all you have to do is turn down the energy on the laser and decrease the density that the lasers create with their spots that remove skin.

Lumenis makes the Active FX system and this is the most versatile system out there and can be tailored to fit almost any person. There are an almost infinite amount of combinations that can be carried out to fit the person. Superfiicially, 50-75mj of energy, density 1-3, with cool scanning and one pass can give you a downtime of 2-3 days or less. Turning it up to 80-100mj of energy, with a density of 4-5, and 2-3 passes can give you a downtime of a couple of weeks to months depending what you think creates downtime for you. Redness can occur typically when you get more aggressive and can stick around for months. But severe crusting and swelling usually fades in 1 week with the more aggressive approaches.

Laser resurfacing are great for cosmetic and medical reasons. If you are interested in improving your wrinkles, pigmentation problems (like sun spots, etc), the size of your pores, your skin texture, etc laser resurfacing can be a great option. It can make a huge difference in your appearance for the better. These are things or areas of improvement that really only resurfacing can do in a significant way. Skin care with cosmeticeuticals can only minimally improve your skin. Some skin care lines at the doctor’s office can do a little more than the products that you get at the cosmetic counter.

You might not know this but resurfacing can also improve your skin by reducing the number of cells that are bad as well. So from a medical standpoint, it can be beneficial in reducing your chances of acquiring skin cancer. This is done when you remove your more superficial layers of skin through resurfacing and receive more refreshened cells from deeper within your hair follicles when these cells “resurface” the skin that has been removed. These newer cells typically have much less DNA damage and hence less bad mutations that lead to cancer and this has been proven in scientific studies.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Best Laser for Asian Skin

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

Asian skin and other ethnic skin varieties are more likely to develop sun spots vs wrinkles. This is in contrast to caucasians. This predilection is related to varying degrees of skin color. People of color typically have different risks when it comes to anything done on their skin. They are more likely to get darker after any manipulation of their skin so you have to be very careful with ethnic skin.

In general, I approach Asian skin conservatively. Laser resurfacing can be done, but the settings have to be less aggressive. Laser Resurfacing is an excellent laser for Asians because you can tinker with the settings to fit the particular person and avoid complications and increased downtime. For Asians, I typically decrease the setting and stay on the less aggressive side and usually rely on repeated treatments to get the same results.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington