Archive for the ‘Facial Implants’ Category

When should I have the anchor sutures taken out after a facelift and chin lift?

Friday, July 10th, 2009

It really depends on the doctor after your facelift and chin implant. I would go by what he is used and find works for him.  I usually take out anchor sutures one month later.  Not every doctor has anchor sutures placed and will just have you come back 7 days later approximately to have the sutures removed.  Anchor sutures are placed to help with the healing and are usually few in number. Basically, the longer you have the sutures in the greater the chance for scarring and train tracking.  Train tracking is essentially the appearance of train tracks due to the sutures leaving marks where they were.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

How do you build up the cheek?

Monday, July 6th, 2009

Building up the cheek can be done through multiple different means. This can be done with various fillers including restylane, juverderm, more radiesse, fat injections, or facial implants.  Either of these options have benefits and drawbacks.  The fillers are temporary and you will need reaugmentation in 6 months to a year.  Facial implants will last essentially forever but need to be done in the exact way and augment your cheek in the best way.  When you place Cheek Plastic Surgery into the cheek area, sometimes the cheek can be fixed on the cheek bone with metal screws and if there is less than ideal augmentation more or less then you can tailor the augmentation through different means.  If you have too much augmentation, you can tailor the cheek implant with burrs if the cheek implant is solidly fixed with the screw.  If it is not big enough you can always place a bigger implant or  fix more silicone onto the existing implant with sutures. The key with silicone or other implants is to have the implant fixed so its stable, not moving and not collecting fluid between it and the bone.  These are things that can prevent infection and rejection. Silicone is probably the safest and most stable and non reactive implant that you can place.  Other implants create more inflammation and have a higher incidence of rejection and infection.

Fat injections are another way of building up the cheek.  The survival of fat is variable but if the fat survives after the first 6 months to a year the fat will likely survive for years.

I refined an amazing volumizing procedure called “the YoungLift”.  This is an innovative technique that volumizes your face to bring out the younger and natural you without looking like you had something done.  This is not a facelift and requires no incisions.  Only pinpoint puncture sites are used and these heal imperceptibly.  The YoungLift can be done without general anesthesia and without drains, and large bandages.  You also have a lot less downtime and discomfort compared with traditional facelift procedures.  Dr Young employs the very best techniques from around the world into one volumizing procedure and he uses his internationally acclaimed understanding of facial beauty to create the youthful volume you once had. The YoungLift techniques can help with filling up the lips as well.  You can great results with fat injections in the lips.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Looking for a non surgical way to make the double chin go away or improve it

Friday, July 3rd, 2009

There are many options such as losing weight. This can reduce the fatty deposits in your neck. However, depending on someone’s age, some of the double chin can be due to the muscles relaxing.

You have a neck muscle called the platysma that covers your neck from your chest to your face. This muscle during youth is tightly adherent to the underlying neck structures. When you age, the muscle eventually comes away from the neck’s deeper structures, contributing to the neck laxity and double chin appearance.

The main way to improve this is to do a null along with a lower facelift. Liposuction is a very minimally invasive technique to slim down the neck and tighten the skin as well. But sometimes, the results you get with liposuction is limited, and more advanced techniques are needed to make your neck more shapely.

Augmentation of your chin can help create a greater disparity between your face, chin and neck region. Facial Implants can help improve the angles of your chin with your neck. Other options that are less invasive include volumizing your lower face. This can have a tremendous impact on pulling the loose tissues up towards the area under your chin and also create more of a covering effect for the contents below your jawline.

The other way of improving this laxity is to use lasers to tighten the skin.  Laser Resurfacingombined can have significant tightening effects.  This can be done without making incisions and with lower downtime compared with traditional co2 laser resurfacing procedures.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Fat grafting or facial implants?

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

Some people are afraid of having Facial Implants and this an important thing to consider. I usually use implants to volumize the face when a person does not have a lot of fat to use, for example in women that are physically fit and have little body fat or if they don’t want to go through the harvesting of the fat that requires liposuction in another area of the body.

After implantation, you can then use the little fat that the person has to augment the implant. I usually do this in two phases with the implant first and then fat grafting at a later date. You also have to consider that fat and implants have different characteristics as well.

Implants require more incisions and usually are placed through the mouth. Fat transfer requires small holes instead of long incisions. Implants can also help in that fat transfering is needed less and cuts down on the need for more extensive fat harvesting.

I refined an amazing volumizing procedure called “the YoungLift”.  This is an innovative technique that volumizes your face to bring out the younger and natural you without looking like you had something done.  This is not a facelift and requires no incisions.  Only pinpoint puncture sites are used and these heal imperceptibly.  The YoungLift can be done without general anesthesia and without drains, and large bandages.  You also have a lot less downtime and discomfort compared with traditional facelift procedures.  Dr Young employs the very best techniques from around the world into one volumizing procedure and he uses his internationally acclaimed understanding of facial beauty to create the youthful volume you once had.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Volumizing the face through facial implants or fat transfer

Wednesday, June 24th, 2009

Some people are afraid of having implants and this an important thing to consider. I usually use implants to volumize the face when a person does not have a lot of fat to use, for example in women that are physically fit and have little body fat.

After implantation, you can then use the little fat that the person has to augment the implant. I usually do this in two phases with the implant first and then fat grafting at a later date. You also have to consider that fat and implants have different characteristics as well.

Implants require more incisions and usually are placed through the mouth. Fat transfer requires small holes instead of long incisions. Implants can also help in that fat transfering is needed less and cuts down on the need for more extensive fat harvesting.

Things to think about regarding Facial Implants

Wednesday, June 24th, 2009

Facial implants can markedly change the way you look in a good and bad way. It all depends on what you need and what your current aesthetics are. You need to have a surgeon that has an understanding of facial aesthetics.

Depending on what you look like, you can place chin, cheek, jaw and periorbital implants that can really improve your appearance. Silicone implants are the most compatible but have less integration than some other more porous implants like medpor and goretex. I prefer Silicone because of its compatibility but there are many other implants that are very compatible and have proven records in terms of acceptance by your body. Methylmetacrylate has a long history of implantation with very low percentage of problems. Medpor, porous polyethylene, has a low risk but in terms of rejection appears higher than silicone.

To me silicone, is the best implant available due to its low risk of rejection by the body and that’s what I use in the nose, jaw, chin and for implants around the eye, temple, and forehead. Facial implants are great way to augment your facial shape for the better.