Archive for the ‘Facelift / Face Lift / S lift / Mini Lift / Weekend Face Lift / Quick Lift / Image Lift’ Category

When should I have the anchor sutures taken out after a facelift and chin lift?

Friday, July 10th, 2009

It really depends on the doctor after your facelift and chin implant. I would go by what he is used and find works for him.  I usually take out anchor sutures one month later.  Not every doctor has anchor sutures placed and will just have you come back 7 days later approximately to have the sutures removed.  Anchor sutures are placed to help with the healing and are usually few in number. Basically, the longer you have the sutures in the greater the chance for scarring and train tracking.  Train tracking is essentially the appearance of train tracks due to the sutures leaving marks where they were.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Is a mini face lift or full face lift better?

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

There are many different lifts out there that people are marketing. null have really taken up some prominence in the media. What is a mini lift? Well, this usually entails making a shorter incision with less dissection and keeping the dissection superficial. The results from this can benefit some people but it is not for everyone.

A mini lift can help some people but the results are not as dramatic. Some people might get disappointed in the results. A mini lift can soften the jowls and neck area but if you really want a dramatic effect you will want someone to do the little extras to tighten all those areas for you.

You get what you pay for many times. Some of the lifts that are being marketed out there are having doctors take shortcuts. There are a lot of negative press out there regarding quick lifts, one stitch lifts, thread lifts from what I’ve heard. Make sure to look at the specific doctors results and talk to their patients to see how happy they are. Also, you shouldn’t think that mini lifts have way less recovery. Sometimes, they have just as much recovery as some of the more extensive lifts especially if some precautions are not taken for the period after your procedure.

Consulting a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon would be something that I recommend. We specialize in the face and are highly qualified to help you with this.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

What kind of anesthesia is best to do for facelifts?

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

nullcan be done under local anesthesia and general anesthesia. It really depends on the person and how they can handle being slightly awake or not during the procedure. Also, a particular person’s pain tolerance plays a major part.

In my experience, IV sedation is the best way to do the procedure. You can have the person in a deeper or lighter state depending on the situation during the procedure that can help both the surgeon and the patient. Sometimes, cooperation by the patient during the procedure can help facilitate the surgeon’s efforts. When there is a painful part, the anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist can make the person sleepier so they can tolerate that particular part.

Also, IV sedation creates amnesia for the patient so that they don’t remember the events as well. Some people can tolerate local anesthesia with oral sedation using valium. But the patient really has to be able to tolerate the injections and some of the discomfort when you do the pulling of the tissues. They will also have to withstand the sounds that they will hear during the procedure when they are not totally out and sleeping. All of these things should be reviewed with the patient prior to the day so that they are fully aware of what is going to happen during the lift / procedure.

General anesthesia is also another option; the risks are little more with this option, but you are totally out during the procedure. This is preferable for some people. They will not know anything during the procedure which some people really desire. Patient cooperation is limited so working under the chin can be more challenging for the surgeon.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

How much do facelifts generally cost?

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

The cost of nulls varies depending on the particular region that you are in. A traditional facelift will cost more because it takes more time and there are more risks involved with them. A mini lift, which entails skin elevation and sutures to pull up the underlying muscle, is easier to do and takes a lot less time ranges between 3-6 thousand. A more complete lift, which entails lifting up the muscle in a deeper plane and other ancillary procedures, can range from 5-10 or more thousand dollars.

Researching the doctor can help your cause. You want to go to a surgeon that has done a lot of these procedures. Experience does count for a lot. I have done over 1200 facelifts and I have employed all different types of facelift procedures. You definitely want to go to someone who cares about what you want as well. This can mean a world of difference.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Is there a non surgical facelift that works?

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

There are different options to rejuvenating a person’s face. You don’t necessarily have to undergo a major null with long incisions to make yourself look better.

A great option is facialFat Transfer.  When people age, they lose volume in the face and this contributes to the facial skin drooping and the wrinkles to form.  It has been the practice of surgeons to cut away skin that appears to be excessive to what it used to be.  This approach is not always the best way to make a person look younger. Sometimes the extra skin is the result of the face losing volume and the skin sags and droops due to this process.  It is analogous to a grape losing volume when it turns into a raisin.

Traditionally, surgeons have practiced reductive procedures, meaning they reduced what is left. This can make a person look better but oftentimes the person doesn’t necessarily look younger.  A person will look like a more shapely raisin instead of a younger and healthy looking grape.

Fat injections can restore this volume and help you look younger in a natural way and it can be done with no incisions.  Most all of the time, all that is needed are very tiny puncture holes for the special instruments used to restore volume into the face.  Other ways to bring youth to your face without surgery include a resurfacing procedure to remove wrinkles, fillers to fill in volume in a piecemeal way over time, etc.

I refined an amazing volumizing procedure called “the YoungLift”.  This is an innovative technique that volumizes your face to bring out the younger and natural you without looking like you had something done.  This is not a facelift and requires no incisions.  Only pinpoint puncture sites are used and these heal imperceptibly.  The YoungLift can be done without general anesthesia and without drains, and large bandages.  You also have a lot less downtime and discomfort compared with traditional facelift procedures.  Dr Young employs the very best techniques from around the world into one volumizing procedure and he uses his internationally acclaimed understanding of facial beauty to create the youthful volume you once had.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

How many stitches are required when doing a facelift

Friday, June 26th, 2009

It really depends on the type of nullyou do.  When you do a traditional facelift with an incision that goes in front of the ear and extends all the way to the back of the ear and down the hairline, you will receive 20-30 stiches or more.  If the lift you do is a minimal one and your incision only is located in front of the ear you may receive 10-15.

In general, you should expect 1-3 stiches for each cm of incision that you receive.  Sometimes doing too many can create scarring and doing more on the lesser side may also create scarring. And the type of suture you use can also make a difference. You definitely want to go to a surgeon with a lot of experience.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Red lines after a facelift and options

Friday, June 26th, 2009

This is a question I answered regarding a procedure done by another physician.

Red lines along the incision line is a normal process that happens after a procedure that creates an incision like a null. The incision is the area that is exposed to the environment the most and ultimately is the area that undergoes the most inflammation. This obviously will lead to more of a reaction that creates more blood supply that leads to the redness in the area. There are many ways to improve this.

After the incisions heal, any silicone gel based scar gel can be used on these incisions to improve the appearance of the scar. If the incision is particularly red, one can consider a topical steroid to help with the inflammation that is creating the redness.

Another option that might be more forward thinking would be to employ lasers and IPL along the incision to decrease the vascularity although you have to go to someone with experience with this. The redness will eventually go away and makeup can usually be applied after the first 2 weeks.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

What are true facelift incisions and information on types of incisions

Friday, June 26th, 2009

It really depends on what you and other patients desire. You should go to a surgeon who listens to you and does everything he can for you.

Temple incisions are used but it depends, again, on what you want. This area of incision does help and allow the surgeon to bring the lift a little higher and work more on the area around your mouth and the lines around it.

This particular patient had a facelift by another surgeon and complained that her results were gone at 3 months. Three months is definitely not a long term result. But don’t worry, there are ways to help you. You will likely need to have it done again. Sometimes you do get what you pay for.  Sometimes, around the upper area of the mouth, volumizing can really rejuvenate a persons face. This can be done with fat or other fillers.

I refined an amazing volumizing procedure called “the YoungLift”.  This is an innovative technique that volumizes your face to bring out the younger and natural you without looking like you had something done.  This is not a facelift and requires no incisions.  Only pinpoint puncture sites are used and these heal imperceptibly.  The YoungLift can be done without general anesthesia and without drains, and large bandages.  You also have a lot less downtime and discomfort compared with traditional facelift procedures.  Dr Young employs the very best techniques from around the world into one volumizing procedure and he uses his internationally acclaimed understanding of facial beauty to create the youthful volume you once had.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Best kind of face lift for the mid face area

Friday, June 26th, 2009

A mid facelift entails lifting the cheek or middle part of the face so that the folds around the mouth are less pronounced and the cheeks are elevated in a more pleasing manner. Personally, I don’t think midface lifts really make a person look younger in this area. The problem with the midface area is that when people age, they lose volume in this area and really you need to revolumize the midface to help someone look younger here.

Facial implants in this area can help as well as fat injections or dermal fillers. Dermal fillers are limited by there lack of longevity. They typically last for 6 months to a year or two at most. Fat injections, when done right, can last for 10 years or longer. The way you can tell yourself, is by looking at pictures of yourself when you were younger and you will see that most of the age related changes that have occured are due to predominately a volume loss.

When a person has a severe amount of volume loss, you can add implants to help with replacing a big part of the volume and employ fat to help with transitioning and filling in the areas around the implant to reach your ultimate goal.

I refined an amazing volumizing procedure called “the YoungLift”.  This is an innovative technique that volumizes your face to bring out the younger and natural you without looking like you had something done.  This is not a facelift and requires no incisions.  Only pinpoint puncture sites are used and these heal imperceptibly.  The YoungLift can be done without general anesthesia and without drains, and large bandages.  You also have a lot less downtime and discomfort compared with traditional facelift procedures.  Dr Young employs the very best techniques from around the world into one volumizing procedure and he uses his internationally acclaimed understanding of facial beauty to create the youthful volume you once had.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

This is an answer to a person who had extremely loose facial skin

Friday, June 26th, 2009

It will all depend on how you really look. Volumizing can help your loss of volume which can start in your 20’s and progress. Fat Transfer is a great, natural way to plump up your lossed volume and can last 10 plus years. Fillers are another short term option. Volumizing takes up extra space and helps to fill in the extra skin. Facelifts can remove the extra skin that the filling doesn’t fill out appropriately.

In my opinion, filling first and then removing extra skin is the best sequence. Also, you might have a condition that predisposes you to laxity in your skin. This should be looked into and may be a contraindication to facelift surgeries. Don’t worry there are excellent surgeons out there with forward thinking minds and exquisite skill to help you.

I refined an amazing volumizing procedure called “the YoungLift”.  This is an innovative technique that volumizes your face to bring out the younger and natural you without looking like you had something done.  This is not a facelift and requires no incisions.  Only pinpoint puncture sites are used and these heal imperceptibly.  The YoungLift can be done without general anesthesia and without drains, and large bandages.  You also have a lot less downtime and discomfort compared with traditional facelift procedures.  Dr Young employs the very best techniques from around the world into one volumizing procedure and he uses his internationally acclaimed understanding of facial beauty to create the youthful volume you once had.

Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington